Hey GUys!
It was another good week here too! Sounds like you guys are doing good. Mt NEbo is an interesting market. I miss it... ha just kidding. I want to go camping! ha I think I'll wait though. IT has been really hot here lately. IT's been in the 30s Celsius. I dont even know what that is in Fahrenheit. But its hot. ANd its not too fun going around in slacks and a white shirt. But its really fun still. Biking around makes you really sweaty so that's always interesting... But people don't usually say anything about it haha. So that's really good. ANyway im glad you guys didn't see any bears and that everyone made it through their camping adventures. Tell jacob im proud. haha. I thought that was funny. (They put crickets in the girls tents) TAnners beard is getting pretty big! Im impressed! THis week was good here though. Monday after pday we went to a member families for fhe. It was really cool. WE had a lesson planned and were going to use a mormon message and what not. But we realized that they have little kids and they didn't understand english so we couldn't use that, so we kind of went of and made up a lesson as we went about prayer. It was really cool. We were talking about prayer and what it means to truly pray. It was kinda cool because we have been getting the members to name people for us to pray for with them, and one of the extended family members who was inactive that one of the daughters asked us to pray for was at their house during the lesson. SO it was just pretty cool. Theyre an awesome family. The rest of the week was pretty good. WE did lots of trying to work with members, but of course its still a little hard when a lot of the members are on vacation. THis week will be even harder because its temple so most of the ward is in sweden for the whole week. But things are still going well. friday we made cookies and saturday we went around and gave a bunch to members who have been a help to us and put out quotes from the apostles about member missionary work. We are really trying to motivate the members. Still trying to get to know them better. Its hard at first to make them feel like you are actually a friend. We are working on it though. I'm really enjoying it. We found like the two people who are actually going to be home this week and are going to work with them and their friends this week. One even got us a service project to do this week. It was awesome. Little miracles. One we just went to a members house who was leaving today to the temple to drop off a book. They had another member family who had just moved in visiting them for a little ice cream. They invited us in too. WE shared a little spiritual thought and the new family told us that they had some people they were hoping that we could teach in their new neighborhood. And he gave us a service project that we will do on tuesday. Pretty cool. THe Lord is still watching out for us. :) WE are really excited to keep going with all the members. Investigators are still going well. One lady that has been asking a lot of questions about baptism. Which is good because last time she was asked about it she didn't talk with the missionaries for three weeks. But it's awesome. President gave us tips as he watched (scripture study time) it was good. it was a little weird though ha. I got one last picture with elder w. He'll be home on thursday... Weird . Time is flying by too fast. But its been awesome. Yesterday I read in romans 12:12 and it says Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation ; continuing instant in prayer. I've made that my kind of goal. Always rejoicing when there is hope, so pretty much always. patient when it is difficult and there are tribulations. and always being willing to say a prayer. always praying. instantly. I kind of think of how thats going to the lord instantly before anyone or anything else. SO that's pretty cool. I like that one. Arent pat. blessings cool? Theyre so helpful and have a lot of help in them. Forgiveness was definitely a good quality joseph had. Its a good one. But it is hard. Its a good thing THe Lord is always willing to help us! ANyway I better go. WE are going hiking in a bit. Love you guys! Thanks for everything!
Eldste Blake NEwey
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